It didn't matter if they were shredding his signs or invading his rallies, Dan Webster didn't attack. The ruthless Grayson campaign tried to provoke the midnight blue and cotton-white (the colors of the Webster campaign) with everything they could and the only reply they got was polite silence.

By mid-September the Obama campaign pretty much admitted they had no strategy for Sarah or anything else that was not in their game plan. Since they had clearly not done scenario planning they found themselves in a box they could not wiggle out of.

malaysia election The problem is the process. We've got this long drawn out primary and caucus garbage that gets us no where but to bed earlier each night. It lasts from early January until June a total of six months. And there was a total of 10 months of campaigning before the voting even started.

Mitt Romney put out a lot of ads. In fact, you couldn't turn on the TV or radio without hearing one of them. In spite of all his advertising, he still didn't win. Did Obama out-advertise him? Maybe. That's hard to quantify or qualify. But regardless, Romney's ads didn't put him in the White House.

I saw Dan Webster this morning on television, waving thank you signs with children from his campaign that were having a good time, and playing nearby. It was a fitting final image of a political effort that turned away, from the hostility that you saw in almost every other race.

Santorum has been a real surprise in recent weeks. He started off as Mr. Irrelevant and has become, well, Mr. . He capitalized on turnovers by Perry and Bachmann, and has reestablished himself after a grueling loss in the Senate in 2006. He does have a future in the GOP, but it'd take a real "Hail Mary" for him to seize the nomination.

A Sarah Palin costume consists of the "beehive" wig, glasses, and a campaign button. Depending on whether the purchaser is pro or con Palin, they might add some other touches. What are people saying when they don these costumes? Sarah Palin supporters will show her competency. A business suit, a tasteful brooch or simple necklace, and those hot high heeled shoes make a great costume for a Palin supporter. On the other hand, those wanting to spoof Palin are wearing a tiara, a beauty pageant ribbon, or they have her toting a gun for one of her legendary hunting trips. As they say, the accessories are everything.

Clearly the Obama campaign never imagined that McCain? would pick Sarah. They, like most Democrats, were initially stunned. They couldn't believe McCain? would pick an unknown.

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Last-modified: 2022-10-09 (日) 17:58:36 (574d)