So here we are, about 50 days before the general election and we hear from the McCain? campaign that Senator Obama's years as a "community organizer" does not amount to a hill of beans. is there; it is a direct and malicious attack on Barak Obama's race.

Folks, I think this time (the November, 2008 election) the stakes are high enough that we need to rise above our "egocentric" and "ethnocentric" considerations. We need to look at what is best for the nation - and more broadly - what is best for the world. This would make us "worldcentric." It is a more evolved stance.

Next up is McCain?'s stance on interrogation. He believes that water boarding and torture should be outlawed, pointing to the fact that if we do it to terrorists, they'll do it us. But McCain? forgets that terrorists move past torture and go straight to killing.

malaysia election Considering what is best for our favorite political party (and voting accordingly) is a somewhat more evolved stance than looking only at our own personal interests. Voting for our party is "ethnocentric" behavior. Its about the same as voting for a local bill that would renovate the school in your district but voting against the bill that would provide funds to renovate the school in the neighboring district. It elevates the needs of YOUR group above the needs of OTHERS. It is also similar to thinking only your church is the one true church and all the others are wrong. (in accordance with the "Faithful" group, for readers of my blog.) This is not the most mature way to believe, behave, or vote either.

A home business is kind of like that. You can spend money on a lot of things such as web hosting, advertising, graphics, sales copy and "how to" products and a host of other things and all that spending still won't guarantee you success. Again, look at Mitt Romney. And we don't spend anywhere near what he did on our home business.

There is no serious opposition from either party and with Hillary we get two for the price of one, with the first woman President getting top billing. What Hillary lacks in charm and charisma, Bill makes up for in spades. All he has to do is campaign for Hillary and then he can disappear from public view, if he or Hillary chooses. We know Bill will be on call to apply his experience and personal connections should trouble arise.

The fact of the matter is this year's presidential election process has been boring. It's the equivalent of watching grass grow everyday for six hours. Not that I don't love politics and the bickering and infighting and speculation that McCain? or Clinton was out of the race months ago. But for this campaign to have lasted over 480 days by the time the conventions roll around, that's absurd.

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Last-modified: 2022-10-08 (土) 09:18:35 (575d)