In the past three elections, nationwide sales of U.S. Presidential candidate masks revealed the winner days before general election results were in. In 2004 the Spirit Halloween Presidential Index showed George W. Bush masks outselling John Kerry masks at a rate of 65% to 35%. In 2000 the George W. Bush mask took 57% of the sales vs. 43% for Al Gore. And in 1996 Bill Clinton masks were 71% of the market vs. 29% for Bob Dole. A fluke or a real predictor?

malaysia election The idea is absurd, tax the American people more in an effort to stop something that is unstoppable. It's just another example of how McCain? gives up his ground to the left in the name of bipartisanship.

The fact of the matter is this year's presidential election process has been boring. It's the equivalent of watching grass grow everyday for six hours. Not that I don't love politics and the bickering and infighting and speculation that McCain? or Clinton was out of the race months ago. But for this campaign to have lasted over 480 days by the time the conventions roll around, that's absurd.

Sandy Adams wins the 24th Congressional District race: Sandy Adams never quit. Not when she was running low on campaign funds, back in June. Not when the NRCC wasn't paying her any mind and not when the media made sure to point that out whenever possible.

Point is, money isn't always the answer to our problems. In fact, I built my home business on a shoestring budget. I spent less than $200 a month on my home business back in 2003 and still built it to quite a powerhouse. Yes, as I went along, I started to spend more. But I started with relatively very little. And not all my spending turned into profits. Sometimes you spend money on stuff and it just bombs out. Again, look at Mitt Romney. sounds simple but, it takes the right candidate to do it and ever since she's entered the race, our new Mayor of Orange County Teresa Jacobs has demonstrated it.

Rubio beat Governor Crist (twice, if you count bailing from the GOP primary), so what's next for the Governor? "Going fishing and finishing strong for the people of Florida" he said earlier. I'll miss our wacky Governor's survival antics and one-liners. This is probably going to be it for him. I actually hope not and would like to see him pop up on television somewhere. He's just too much fun to watch.

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Last-modified: 2022-10-10 (月) 14:20:08 (573d)