Did Suzanne Kosmas really want to be there during this last year? I watched her concession speech and she looked almost relieved that she wasn't going to be the object of attack from angry constituents. I'm probably wrong and it was late, but she has taken so many shots and isn't a fighter like Grayson. She stays out of the public eye. Suzanne Kosmas means well, but she was in over her head in Washington.

Now the real flaws in the Obama campaign had begun to emerge. Obama was put on the defensive and stayed there. Obama himself began to look desperate as he attacked Sarah; a first in U.S. politics.

malaysia election But we all know that, right? At least the Democrats know that. Senator McCain? and Governor Palin represent change we cannot believe in. Suddenly, however, you put a woman on the ticket and they automatically become "mavericks" and "reformers." If you buy that, I have a NYC bridge for sale.

Alan Grayson has lost and as the results were shown, cheers erupted from the Republicans in the 8th district. https://beritaharapankita.com/ of vicious dialogue and frustration gone, with a bigger margin that hardly anyone expected. This was a hurricane of a politician, who threw everything nasty he could, at the quiet gentleman who refused to fight back.

What to do with Herman Cain? Like Gingrich, he has an image to maintain. He may be setting himself up for a position in the GOP Party apparatus - just not as a candidate. Did we really expect him to be President after the elections next November? He has run a good race, picked up some worthwhile supporters (fair-weather fans?), and would fit in well as a fund-raiser and executive within the Party.

At least the Lions won in the preseason. Buddy just couldn't get it going for himself. Fortunately he didn't have any expectations. He is on the edge between credible and fringe candidate, but we'll give him the fact that he was elected as a governor. And ten is a much nicer number than nine.

On December 11 a committee meeting was held at which it was resolved to extend the objects of the Association so as to embrace the promotion of figure-skating.

There is of course the small issue that Boris (although a popular leader) is not even an MP. And what's more already has a job as London's mayor. To become Prime Minister Boris would have to become an MP (while still mayor) and then run for Conservative party leader and win (and then maybe win a General Election also). A clever political bet would be to take the 14/1 now and wait for the odds to shorten massively when Boris becomes an MP (surely the odds would drop to about 3/1) and then trade out of the bet.

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Last-modified: 2022-10-13 (木) 09:42:17 (570d)