p>In a move of absolute absurdity, Turkey wants to ban Minecraft because its Family and Social Policy Ministry's deemed it too violent for kids. Yes, a game in which you build fortresses, and then punch trees is getting called out for its content, since in Survival Mode, you have to defend yourself against zombie-like Mobs and sometimes, that involves killing them. According to Hurriyet Daily News, the Ministry says that children could confuse Minecraft's pixelated, blocky world for the real one which could lead them to believe that torturing animals was okay. Sure; okay. The reason for the outfit looking at Microsoft's $2.5 billion acquisition in the first place? To determine whether the game encourages violence against women. Its heart was from the beginning. https://site-8906943-7921-2880.mystrikingly.com/blog/minecraft-map-is-now-completely-mined-after-5-years </p>

p>Even if you have a basic knowledge of Minecraft, it is likely that the whole idea sounds too bizarre to be true. However, this isn't the case. VentureBeat? mentions that Turkey is the first country to ban the game if the Ministry's petition is successful however, Turkey has no history of prohibiting violent games. It's unclear however, if the government will follow Mojang's lead due to its history of blocking access to things like YouTube? and Twitter.


p>[Image credit: kjarrett/Flickr]


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Last-modified: 2022-09-21 (水) 08:20:13 (591d)