There is no serious opposition from either party and with Hillary we get two for the price of one, with the first woman President getting top billing. What Hillary lacks in charm and charisma, Bill makes up for in spades. All he has to do is campaign for Hillary and then he can disappear from public view, if he or Hillary chooses. We know Bill will be on call to apply his experience and personal connections should trouble arise.

malaysia election So on three key issues, political reform, fairness and civil liberties he has a very low regard for Labour. This attack on the lack of integrity of Gordon Brown will lead to increased speculation that if there was any deal with Labour then one price would be that they would have to ditch their leader Gordon Brown. There have already been three attempted coups by the Labour Party to remove him as leader and he remains an unelected Prime Minister and I believe an unelected leader of his party. Mr Clegg has said that the system was "clearly bonkers" and that "It would be preposterous for Gordon Brown to end up like some squatter in no 10 because of some constitutional nicety".

The Rise of Rubio- Marco Rubio wins Florida Senate Race: Yea, it was the perfect ending to a great senate race and a milestone in a career full of limitless potential. Marc Rubio easily won and his victory speech was just phenomenal. Let me give you the highlights.

The Rise of Rubio- Marco Rubio wins Florida Senate Race: Yea, it was the perfect ending to a great senate race and a milestone in a career full of limitless potential. Marc Rubio easily won and his victory speech was just phenomenal. Let me give you the highlights.

Curious that Bachmann would find herself in the number 3 spot after being written off by most analysts. It would be tempting to put Ron Paul as #3, but Bachmann still has game in spite of her recent losing streak. Her broad public support might be limited, but she still has potential to win in Iowa. However, one win does not make a champion. A tough early schedule makes a win in game one possible, but odds do not look favorable that she'll capitalize and carry her support to New Hampshire and other early-voting states.

When I visited Alaska almost 20 years ago, I was told by the tour guide that of all the states in the nation, Alaska had the highest incidents of rape. This makes sense if you have every visited Nome, where there are more bars on every street corner than in NYC. Yet, Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska has not addressed this problem. Why should she? does not believe in abortion in cases of rape or incest. A Governor is supposed to act on behalf of the people she represents, regardless of her own beliefs.

So conservatives are faced with a choice. Abandon what they truly believe in and vote for McCain? just because he's a republican. Or search for the best candidate for them. I choose the latter.

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Last-modified: 2022-10-08 (土) 15:15:38 (575d)