Clearly the Obama campaign never imagined that McCain? would pick Sarah. , like most Democrats, were initially stunned. They couldn't believe McCain? would pick an unknown.

For starters, money can't buy you success. Mitt Romney spent millions of dollars on his campaign and he still lost. I'm not saying the money wasn't spent wisely. I'm sure his advisors spent that money just where it needed to be spent. It still didn't bring him a victory.

malaysia election Did Suzanne Kosmas really want to be there during this last year? I watched her concession speech and she looked almost relieved that she wasn't going to be the object of attack from angry constituents. I'm probably wrong and it was late, but she has taken so many shots and isn't a fighter like Grayson. She stays out of the public eye. Suzanne Kosmas means well, but she was in over her head in Washington.

In the past three elections, nationwide sales of U.S. Presidential candidate masks revealed the winner days before general election results were in. In 2004 the Spirit Halloween Presidential Index showed George W. Bush masks outselling John Kerry masks at a rate of 65% to 35%. In 2000 the George W. Bush mask took 57% of the sales vs. 43% for Al Gore. And in 1996 Bill Clinton masks were 71% of the market vs. 29% for Bob Dole. A fluke or a real predictor?

Next up is McCain?'s stance on interrogation. He believes that water boarding and torture should be outlawed, pointing to the fact that if we do it to terrorists, they'll do it us. But McCain? forgets that terrorists move past torture and go straight to killing.

This year Halloween retailers are saying there is an explosion of orders for Barack Obama Masks, John McCain? masks and Sarah Palin costumes. Since Obama and McCain? basically wear suits, there is no real need for a complicated costume. A standard dress suit worn with a purchased mask does the trick.

I saw Dan Webster this morning on television, waving thank you signs with children from his campaign that were having a good time, and playing nearby. It was a fitting final image of a political effort that turned away, from the hostility that you saw in almost every other race.

It's been even longer for Hillary Clinton, who has campaigned for 412 days since announcing her intentions on running for the highest office in the country.

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Last-modified: 2022-10-08 (土) 13:10:48 (575d)