There was great rivalry between Mathison and the Russian N. Strunikoff, who won the World and European titles on two occasions, but I think that Mathison was the more reliable skater and all in all the better athlete.

In short, if nobody wants what you're selling, it doesn't matter how much money you spend or how hard you work. You're not going to make any real money. There MUST be a demand for what you're selling. Now, Mitt Romney didn't totally bomb out. He got over 45 million votes. So the demand for what he was "selling" was there. wasn't enough to make him a winner. The good news is, we can still win even if we don't get the top prize.

By mid-September the Obama campaign pretty much admitted they had no strategy for Sarah or anything else that was not in their game plan. Since they had clearly not done scenario planning they found themselves in a box they could not wiggle out of.

The problem is the process. We've got this long drawn out primary and caucus garbage that gets us no where but to bed earlier each night. It lasts from early January until June a total of six months. And there was a total of 10 months of campaigning before the voting even started.

malaysia election In Canada, by law election campaigns must run for a minimum of 36 days, but there is no mandated maximum time. Yet the longest election campaign in Canada in the last 100 years was in 1926, when the campaigning dragged on for all of 74 days.

For those who say that the McCain? ticket represents change because he chose a woman nominee; you are using this as an excuse not to elect the first African-American President of the U.S. Admit it.

On December 11 a committee meeting was held at which it was resolved to extend the objects of the Association so as to embrace the promotion of figure-skating.

So conservatives are faced with a choice. Abandon what they truly believe in and vote for McCain? just because he's a republican. Or search for the best candidate for them. I choose the latter.

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Last-modified: 2022-10-12 (水) 20:38:20 (571d)