It didn't matter if they were shredding his signs or invading his rallies, Dan Webster didn't attack. The ruthless Grayson campaign tried to provoke the midnight blue and cotton-white (the colors of the Webster campaign) with everything they could and the only reply they got was polite silence.

To further my point take a look at McCain?'s conservative score according to the The American Conservative Union. In 2006 McCain? scored a 65 (with 100 being the most conservative). Looking at , he started out near 100 and took a huge fall in the 90's, plummeting to under 70. Proving that McCain? really was the conservative who lost his way.

malaysia election At the second meeting of the N.S.A. on May 1st, 1880, again held at the Guildhall, Cambridge, Mr. Townley raised the question of the definition of an amateur which vexed topic has been under discussion ever since.

Mitt Romney put out a lot of ads. In fact, you couldn't turn on the TV or radio without hearing one of them. In spite of all his advertising, he still didn't win. Did Obama out-advertise him? Maybe. That's hard to quantify or qualify. But regardless, Romney's ads didn't put him in the White House.

With all the discussion about how to dress like the Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidates, it is worth looking at what those costume choices might actually mean. Halloween suppliers say sales of masks of presidential candidates have predicted the winner in the past several campaigns.

But we all know that, right? At least the Democrats know that. Senator McCain? and Governor Palin represent change we cannot believe in. Suddenly, however, you put a woman on the ticket and they automatically become "mavericks" and "reformers." If you buy that, I have a NYC bridge for sale.

Next up is McCain?'s stance on interrogation. He believes that water boarding and torture should be outlawed, pointing to the fact that if we do it to terrorists, they'll do it us. But McCain? forgets that terrorists move past torture and go straight to killing.

Alan Grayson's concession speech was an eye opener. He displayed a very rare moment of vulnerability. It wasn't the fire-breathing monster that the country saw on the house floor or on television. It wasn't the big Hollywood production type of display, that were shown on his commercials.

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Last-modified: 2022-10-11 (火) 00:00:23 (572d)