On December 11 a committee meeting was held at which it was resolved to extend the objects of the Association so as to embrace the promotion of figure-skating.

malaysia election Her verdict came down along with a lot of other Democrats that ran great races but came up short. It just wasn't the year to be in the same party as the President and Rick Scott never missed an opportunity to let the voters know that.

With all the discussion about how to dress like the Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidates, it is worth looking at what those costume choices might actually mean. Halloween suppliers say sales of masks of presidential candidates have predicted the winner in the past several campaigns.

It sounds simple but, it takes the right candidate to do it and ever since she's entered the race, our new Mayor of Orange County Teresa Jacobs has demonstrated it.

Hillary can be non committal about Iraqi Freedom, merely hinting she will bring the forces home, until the last month of the campaign. Then she can make it a promise; since there will still be over 100,000 American troops in Iraq by election day and the casualty numbers could easily be double what they are now.

My election cycle crush, easily beat her opponent Dan Gelber (and that silly St. Bernard scandal) to become Florida's new Attorney General. I joke about her appearance a lot but she didn't take any breaks and worked as hard as any other state-wide candidate I've seen.

https://suaraharapan.com/ of Rubio- Marco Rubio wins Florida Senate Race: Yea, it was the perfect ending to a great senate race and a milestone in a career full of limitless potential. Marc Rubio easily won and his victory speech was just phenomenal. Let me give you the highlights.

Alan Grayson's concession speech was an eye opener. He displayed a very rare moment of vulnerability. It wasn't the fire-breathing monster that the country saw on the house floor or on television. It wasn't the big Hollywood production type of display, that were shown on his commercials.

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Last-modified: 2022-10-10 (月) 19:59:05 (586d)