Mitt Romney, aside from spending a lot of money, also worked very hard. He was on the campaign trail almost constantly. He appeared in debates against the President and was very well prepared. Nobody could accuse him of slacking off on the campaign trail. He still lost.

Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and John McCain all announced their hopes for the presidency well over a year ago. That may be the reason that two of those three have since dropped out.

malaysia election In Canada, by law election campaigns must run for a minimum of 36 days, but there is no mandated maximum time. Yet the longest election campaign in Canada in the last 100 years was in 1926, when the campaigning dragged on for all of 74 days.

The idea is absurd, tax the American people more in an effort to stop something that is unstoppable. It's just another example of how McCain gives up his ground to the left in the name of bipartisanship.

Let's start with campaign reform. 've all heard the phrase "I'm [candidates name] and I approve of this message." During the election season that phrase is more irritating than the fat kid in class who asks way to many questions.

Why is Boris Johnson so clearly headed for the top job? Well the simple reason is he is a winner. Those Tory MP's currently underwater and at risk of losing their seat at the next election are very worried. They are starting to wonder if a new leader might be a good idea after all. David Cameron has so far not delivered the goods he was elected for. With the premiership half gone it would take a lot to reverse the Tory decline.

For those who say that the McCain ticket represents change because he chose a woman nominee; you are using this as an excuse not to elect the first African-American President of the U.S. Admit it.

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