The ranking demonstrates how the democrats have been able to poison McCain. Nancy Reagan once advised, "Just say no," the same applies to the Arizona senator. He needs to simply turn the other cheek when pressured by the left to co-sponsor a bill or to come up with flashy new bipartisan ideas.

Ron Paul has a consistent level of support and could challenge Bachmann for the number 3. Given his apparent ceiling of support though, the perennial contender looks like he will go home empty-handed once again. His fans are among the most devoted in the league, and his mark on the playoffs should not go without notice.

malaysia election So on three key issues, political reform, fairness and civil liberties he has a very low regard for Labour. on the lack of integrity of Gordon Brown will lead to increased speculation that if there was any deal with Labour then one price would be that they would have to ditch their leader Gordon Brown. There have already been three attempted coups by the Labour Party to remove him as leader and he remains an unelected Prime Minister and I believe an unelected leader of his party. Mr Clegg has said that the system was "clearly bonkers" and that "It would be preposterous for Gordon Brown to end up like some squatter in no 10 because of some constitutional nicety".

The idea is absurd, tax the American people more in an effort to stop something that is unstoppable. It's just another example of how McCain gives up his ground to the left in the name of bipartisanship.

Why is that? Canadian law doesn't limit how long politicians can campaign, but it does strictly limit how much money they can spend on a campaign. That's no matter if it's the candidate's own money, or money contributed by supporters or special interests. And Canada seems to have been a pretty well run country over the years.

Considering only our own personal interests and voting accordingly makes us "egocentric." Here is a hint: that means "selfish!" (for readers of my blog, that corresponds with the "Lawless" level.) It also means we don't have much compassion for anyone outside of ourselves. I contend that the critical mass of this nation has grown beyond this stage of existence. I contend that more people than not have matured to a point where they can consider the needs of others - in life in general as in voting. So let's not just vote according to our own personal interests.

For those who say that the McCain ticket represents change because he chose a woman nominee; you are using this as an excuse not to elect the first African-American President of the U.S. Admit it.

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