And then the Obama campaign became besieged with 'why didn't you pick Hillary?' turned from surprise and shock to anger and resentment. 'How dare McCain appoint a woman?' Even Sarah was later to state that perhaps Obama regretted not picking Hillary Clinton.

malaysia election For starters, money can't buy you success. Mitt Romney spent millions of dollars on his campaign and he still lost. I'm not saying the money wasn't spent wisely. I'm sure his advisors spent that money just where it needed to be spent. It still didn't bring him a victory.

There is no serious opposition from either party and with Hillary we get two for the price of one, with the first woman President getting top billing. What Hillary lacks in charm and charisma, Bill makes up for in spades. All he has to do is campaign for Hillary and then he can disappear from public view, if he or Hillary chooses. We know Bill will be on call to apply his experience and personal connections should trouble arise.

With all the discussion about how to dress like the Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidates, it is worth looking at what those costume choices might actually mean. Halloween suppliers say sales of masks of presidential candidates have predicted the winner in the past several campaigns.

Let's start with campaign reform. You've all heard the phrase "I'm [candidates name] and I approve of this message." During the election season that phrase is more irritating than the fat kid in class who asks way to many questions.

For starters, money can't buy you success. Mitt Romney spent millions of dollars on his campaign and he still lost. I'm not saying the money wasn't spent wisely. I'm sure his advisors spent that money just where it needed to be spent. It still didn't bring him a victory.

In Canada, by law election campaigns must run for a minimum of 36 days, but there is no mandated maximum time. Yet the longest election campaign in Canada in the last 100 years was in 1926, when the campaigning dragged on for all of 74 days.

Considering only our own personal interests and voting accordingly makes us "egocentric." Here is a hint: that means "selfish!" (for readers of my blog, that corresponds with the "Lawless" level.) It also means we don't have much compassion for anyone outside of ourselves. I contend that the critical mass of this nation has grown beyond this stage of existence. I contend that more people than not have matured to a point where they can consider the needs of others - in life in general as in voting. So let's not just vote according to our own personal interests.

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