Clearly the Obama campaign never imagined that McCain would pick Sarah. They, like most Democrats, were initially stunned. They couldn't believe McCain would pick an unknown.

So conservatives are faced with a choice. Abandon what they truly believe in and vote for McCain just because he's a republican. Or search for the best candidate for them. I choose the latter.

malaysia election By mid-September the Obama campaign pretty much admitted they had no strategy for Sarah or anything else that was not in their game plan. Since they had clearly not done scenario planning they found themselves in a box they could not wiggle out of. is absurd, tax the American people more in an effort to stop something that is unstoppable. It's just another example of how McCain gives up his ground to the left in the name of bipartisanship.

A man who barely captures one percent in the polls is in 6th place? Most have not heard of the former New Mexico governor, but some of those who have see him as the next Ron Paul. After finally getting the opportunity to participate in a debate, he may be able to set himself up as a libertarian leader. The presidential campaign was no waste for him; he made a (small) name for himself, and is somehow beating Jon Huntsman in a few polls. He is not the ultra-fringe candidate many make him out to be (he was a well-liked governor), and has potential in certain markets.

Poor Jon Huntsman. A few short years ago he appeared to be the ultimate GOP general election candidate. Turns out he would be the 2008 Detroit Lions: undefeated in the preseason and endlessly defeated in the regular season. He just didn't live up to the hype. He has the background of a good candidate; he might be able to come back in upcoming years. He could do a lot of good for the GOP, but he needs to be taken seriously first.

I saw Dan Webster this morning on television, waving thank you signs with children from his campaign that were having a good time, and playing nearby. It was a fitting final image of a political effort that turned away, from the hostility that you saw in almost every other race.

Now the real flaws in the Obama campaign had begun to emerge. Obama was put on the defensive and stayed there. Obama himself began to look desperate as he attacked Sarah; a first in U.S. politics.

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