Curious that Bachmann would find herself in the number 3 spot after being written off by most analysts. It would be tempting to put Ron Paul as #3, but Bachmann still has game in spite of her recent losing streak. Her broad public support might be limited, but she still has potential to win in Iowa. However, one win does not make a champion. A tough early schedule makes a win in game one possible, but odds do not look favorable that she'll capitalize and carry her support to New Hampshire and other early-voting states.

Rick Scott is the new Governor of Florida and I know two things. He's got the ability to get the state back on its feet and secondly no one knows what to expect.

Ron Paul has a consistent level of support and could challenge Bachmann for the number 3. Given his apparent ceiling of support though, the perennial contender looks like he will go home empty-handed once again. His fans are among the most devoted in the league, and his mark on the playoffs should not go without notice.

Now the real flaws in the Obama campaign had begun to emerge. Obama was put on the defensive and stayed there. Obama himself began to look desperate as he attacked Sarah; a first in U.S. politics. Go online and look at pictures of your favorite presidential candidate. Pay close attention to the type of shoe, shirt and tie he typically wears. You might even want to add a campaign button to promote your favorite party.

I've written a lot about this race and it's no secret, that I've been a Teresa Jacobs fan for a while, and now I'm happy that we're going to see where she can take this county. A mayor that's not afraid of the powerful lobbyist or developers and will make the decisions that are right for everyone, not just the wealthy.

Sandy Adams wins the 24th Congressional District race: Sandy Adams never quit. Not when she was running low on campaign funds, back in June. Not when the NRCC wasn't paying her any mind and not when the media made sure to point that out whenever possible.

There is no Democrat who can beat them in the primary and no credible Republican opponents. John McCain has been a George Bush lap dog on any issue of importance and he is such an obviously calculating politician, he probably can't win the Republican primary. By now, sixty percent of the voters can recognize a Republican lie when they hear it and they yearn for Democrat lies, which Hillary will supply in abundance.

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