Of course it is our civic duty to use our intellect to DECIDE which candidate we think is best and vote accordingly. But here we really should consider what "best"means. Do we really want only to vote for the candidate that is "best" for our own personal interests? Could it be possible that what WE want for our own personal interests could be in conflict with what would be "best" overall for everyone in the whole country? How about considering what would be "best" for the whole world?

malaysia election At the second meeting of the N.S.A. on May 1st, 1880, again held at the Guildhall, Cambridge, Mr. Townley raised the question of the definition of an amateur which vexed topic has been under discussion ever since.

And then the Obama campaign became besieged with 'why didn't you pick Hillary?' The initial reaction turned from surprise and shock to anger and resentment. 'How dare McCain appoint a woman?' Even Sarah was later to state that perhaps Obama regretted not picking Hillary Clinton.

Voters in the U.S. are just as smart (I think) as those in Canada, the U.K., Greece or wherever. http://pyttkvtphcm.gov.vn/question/picks-for-the-first-obama-cabinet-19/ could also 'get it' after having it hammered at us for only a month or so.

Point is, money isn't always the answer to our problems. In fact, I built my home business on a shoestring budget. I spent less than $200 a month on my home business back in 2003 and still built it to quite a powerhouse. Yes, as I went along, I started to spend more. But I started with relatively very little. And not all my spending turned into profits. Sometimes you spend money on stuff and it just bombs out. Again, look at Mitt Romney.

It's a great story and now the district has the representative that really represents what they're all about. Strong conservative leadership. Forget money, she had people and they worked as hard as anyone to knock on doors and get those yards signs out.

Did Suzanne Kosmas really want to be there during this last year? I watched her concession speech and she looked almost relieved that she wasn't going to be the object of attack from angry constituents. I'm probably wrong and it was late, but she has taken so many shots and isn't a fighter like Grayson. She stays out of the public eye. Suzanne Kosmas means well, but she was in over her head in Washington.

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