As an American, I am ashamed at the Republican Party in particular and some of the populous in general, who have continually attacked Barak Obama. What is the fear? Why is prejudice and racism rearing its ugly head now; at a time when we desperately need someone with a vision, someone with a calm reasoning, someone who is young, vibrant, and able to effectively deal with the many problems facing us as one nation.

Mitt Romney put out a lot of ads. In fact, you couldn't turn on the TV or radio without hearing one of them. In spite of all his advertising, he still didn't win. Did Obama out-advertise him? Maybe. That's hard to quantify or qualify. But regardless, Romney's ads didn't put him in the White House.

The Supreme Court will play a major role, whether or not George Bush gets to make another appointment and especially if he does not. A pro choice majority will do all they can to have a pro choice court. The religious right is discredited and cannot play much of a role in the 08 election.

malaysia election The idea is absurd, tax the American people more in an effort to stop something that is unstoppable. It's just another example of how McCain gives up his ground to the left in the name of bipartisanship.

For starters, money can't buy you success. Mitt Romney spent millions of dollars on his campaign and he still lost. I'm not saying the money wasn't spent wisely. I'm sure his advisors spent that money just where it needed to be spent. It still didn't bring him a victory.

There is no serious opposition from either party and with Hillary we get two for the price of one, with the first woman President getting top billing. What Hillary lacks in charm and charisma, Bill makes up for in spades. All he has to do is campaign for Hillary and then he can disappear from public view, if he or Hillary chooses. We know Bill will be on call to apply his experience and personal connections should trouble arise.

A Sarah Palin costume consists of the "beehive" wig, glasses, and a campaign button. Depending on whether the purchaser is pro or con Palin, they might add some other touches. What are people saying when they don these costumes? Sarah Palin supporters will show her competency. A business suit, a tasteful brooch or simple necklace, and those hot high heeled shoes make a great costume for a Palin supporter. On the other hand, those wanting to spoof Palin are wearing a tiara, a beauty pageant ribbon, or they have her toting a gun for one of her legendary hunting trips. As say, the accessories are everything.

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