When I visited Alaska almost 20 years ago, I was told by the tour guide that of all the states in the nation, Alaska had the highest incidents of rape. This makes sense if you have every visited Nome, where there are more bars on every street corner than in NYC. Yet, Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska has not addressed this problem. Why should she? She does not believe in abortion in cases of rape or incest. A Governor is supposed to act on behalf of the people she represents, regardless of her own beliefs.

So here we are, about 50 days before the general election and we hear from the McCain campaign that Senator Obama's years as a "community organizer" does not amount to a hill of beans. The insinuation is there; it is a direct and malicious attack on Barak Obama's race.

malaysia election In short, if nobody wants what you're selling, it doesn't matter how much money you spend or how hard you work. http://mediaaksi.com/ 're not going to make any real money. There MUST be a demand for what you're selling. Now, Mitt Romney didn't totally bomb out. He got over 45 million votes. So the demand for what he was "selling" was there. It just wasn't enough to make him a winner. The good news is, we can still win even if we don't get the top prize.

With all the discussion about how to dress like the Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidates, it is worth looking at what those costume choices might actually mean. Halloween suppliers say sales of masks of presidential candidates have predicted the winner in the past several campaigns.

Of course it is our civic duty to use our intellect to DECIDE which candidate we think is best and vote accordingly. But here we really should consider what "best"means. Do we really want only to vote for the candidate that is "best" for our own personal interests? Could it be possible that what WE want for our own personal interests could be in conflict with what would be "best" overall for everyone in the whole country? How about considering what would be "best" for the whole world?

A Sarah Palin costume consists of the "beehive" wig, glasses, and a campaign button. Depending on whether the purchaser is pro or con Palin, they might add some other touches. What are people saying when they don these costumes? Sarah Palin supporters will show her competency. A business suit, a tasteful brooch or simple necklace, and those hot high heeled shoes make a great costume for a Palin supporter. On the other hand, those wanting to spoof Palin are wearing a tiara, a beauty pageant ribbon, or they have her toting a gun for one of her legendary hunting trips. As they say, the accessories are everything.

Alan Grayson's concession speech was an eye opener. He displayed a very rare moment of vulnerability. It wasn't the fire-breathing monster that the country saw on the house floor or on television. It wasn't the big Hollywood production type of display, that were shown on his commercials.

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