Clearly the Obama campaign never imagined that McCain would pick Sarah. They, like most Democrats, were initially stunned. They couldn't believe McCain would pick an unknown.

In short, if nobody wants what you're selling, it doesn't matter how much money you spend or how hard you work. You're not going to make any real money. There MUST be a demand for what you're selling. Now, Mitt Romney didn't totally bomb out. He got over 45 million votes. So the demand for what he was "selling" was there. It just wasn't enough to make him a winner. The good news is, we can still win even if we don't get the top prize.

malaysia election The idea is absurd, tax the American people more in an effort to stop something that is unstoppable. It's just another example of how McCain gives up his ground to the left in the name of bipartisanship.

Why is Boris Johnson so clearly headed for the top job? Well the simple reason is he is a winner. Those Tory MP's currently underwater and at risk of losing their seat at the next election are very worried. They are starting to wonder if a new leader might be a good idea after all. David Cameron has so far not delivered the goods he was elected for. With gone it would take a lot to reverse the Tory decline.

A man who barely captures one percent in the polls is in 6th place? Most have not heard of the former New Mexico governor, but some of those who have see him as the next Ron Paul. After finally getting the opportunity to participate in a debate, he may be able to set himself up as a libertarian leader. The presidential campaign was no waste for him; he made a (small) name for himself, and is somehow beating Jon Huntsman in a few polls. He is not the ultra-fringe candidate many make him out to be (he was a well-liked governor), and has potential in certain markets.

What to do with Herman Cain? Like Gingrich, he has an image to maintain. He may be setting himself up for a position in the GOP Party apparatus - just not as a candidate. Did we really expect him to be President after the elections next November? He has run a good race, picked up some worthwhile supporters (fair-weather fans?), and would fit in well as a fund-raiser and executive within the Party.

The Maverick, while touting his plan to make the Bush tax cuts permanent, wants to implement a 50 cent per gallon gas tax to curb emissions. A plan that was originally brought up by lefty Carl Levin and backed by every Al Gore fan boy.

When I visited Alaska almost 20 years ago, I was told by the tour guide that of all the states in the nation, Alaska had the highest incidents of rape. This makes sense if you have every visited Nome, where there are more bars on every street corner than in NYC. Yet, Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska has not addressed this problem. Why should she? She does not believe in abortion in cases of rape or incest. A Governor is supposed to act on behalf of the people she represents, regardless of her own beliefs.

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