This year Halloween retailers are saying there is an explosion of orders for Barack Obama Masks, John McCain masks and Sarah Palin costumes. Since Obama and McCain basically wear suits, there is no real need for a complicated costume. A standard dress suit worn with a purchased mask does the trick.

malaysia election But McCain's campaign advisers stood up and made their candidate face a hard reality; something the Obama campaign has had difficulty. McCain not only listened to the feedback but based his decision on it.

Alan Grayson has lost and as the results were shown, cheers erupted from the Republicans in the 8th district. Two years of vicious dialogue and frustration gone, with a bigger margin that hardly anyone expected. This was a hurricane of a politician, who threw everything nasty he could, at the quiet gentleman who refused to fight back.

Voters in the U.S. are just as smart (I think) as those in Canada, the U.K., Greece or wherever. We really could also 'get it' after having it hammered at us for only a month or so.

The idea is absurd, tax the American people more in an effort to stop something that is unstoppable. It's just another example of how McCain gives up his ground to the left in the name of bipartisanship.

The Maverick, while touting his plan to make the Bush tax cuts permanent, wants to implement a 50 cent per gallon gas tax to curb emissions. A plan that was originally brought up by lefty Carl Levin and backed by every Al Gore fan boy.

The pupil premium is a plan to provide extra funding for schools who have more pupils who come from a deprived back ground. This seems to be an excellent idea. There is no doubt that compared to Labour many of these ideas are new and refreshing and Clegg is to be complemented. Labour is old hat and full of Yester days men like Gordon Brown. The election will be held on the 6th May and voting takes place between 7.00 am and 10.00 pm. In many areas local elections are also being held on the same day.

In short, if nobody wants what you're selling, it doesn't matter how much money you spend or how hard you work. You're not going to make any real money. There MUST be a demand for what you're selling. Now, Mitt Romney didn't totally bomb out. He got over 45 million votes. So for what he was "selling" was there. It just wasn't enough to make him a winner. The good news is, we can still win even if we don't get the top prize.

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