Mitt Romney, aside from spending a lot of money, also worked very hard. He was on the campaign trail almost constantly. He appeared in debates against the President and was very well prepared. Nobody could accuse him of slacking off on the campaign trail. He still lost.

As one reporter stated, "The American people are not stupid!" He's right. We know what McCain is doing and why. We know he has not laid out one single plan to rectify the eight years of Republican rule that has literally brought our economy into recession, along with two wars and more and more homeowners in foreclosure.

malaysia election Point is, money isn't always the answer to our problems. In fact, I built my home business on a shoestring budget. I spent less than $200 a month on my home business back in 2003 and still built it to quite a powerhouse. Yes, as I went along, I started to spend more. But I started with relatively very little. And not all my spending turned into profits. Sometimes you spend money on stuff and it just bombs out. Again, look at Mitt Romney.

With all the discussion about how to dress like the Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidates, it is worth looking at what those costume choices might actually mean. say sales of masks of presidential candidates have predicted the winner in the past several campaigns.

By mid-September the Obama campaign pretty much admitted they had no strategy for Sarah or anything else that was not in their game plan. Since they had clearly not done scenario planning they found themselves in a box they could not wiggle out of.

Considering only our own personal interests and voting accordingly makes us "egocentric." Here is a hint: that means "selfish!" (for readers of my blog, that corresponds with the "Lawless" level.) It also means we don't have much compassion for anyone outside of ourselves. I contend that the critical mass of this nation has grown beyond this stage of existence. I contend that more people than not have matured to a point where they can consider the needs of others - in life in general as in voting. So let's not just vote according to our own personal interests.

Rubio beat Governor Crist (twice, if you count bailing from the GOP primary), so what's next for the Governor? "Going fishing and finishing strong for the people of Florida" he said earlier. I'll miss our wacky Governor's survival antics and one-liners. This is probably going to be it for him. I actually hope not and would like to see him pop up on television somewhere. He's just too much fun to watch.

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