It didn't matter if they were shredding his signs or invading his rallies, Dan Webster didn't attack. The ruthless Grayson campaign tried to provoke the midnight blue and cotton-white (the colors of the Webster campaign) with everything they could and the only reply they got was polite silence.

Greece may not be a good example right now. But ancient Athens was the 'cradle of democracy'. And even with all its problems, and ten political parties vying for an opportunity to solve them, Greece can still prepare for elections without long mind-numbing political campaigning. Its Prime Minister resigned on April 12, and called for a national election on May 6, and when the results were fragmented, another national election has been called for June 17. And none of the parties protest that there isn't enough time to make their views known to voters and have their promises considered. forced politicians to "stand by their ad" by alerting everyone they were responsible for the spot. The rule targeted attack ads, however it seems to have done little damage as attacks are still prevalent. In fact it seems mudslinging has increased since McCain fiddled with commercials.

There was great rivalry between Mathison and the Russian N. Strunikoff, who won the World and European titles on two occasions, but I think that Mathison was the more reliable skater and all in all the better athlete.

I saw Dan Webster this morning on television, waving thank you signs with children from his campaign that were having a good time, and playing nearby. It was a fitting final image of a political effort that turned away, from the hostility that you saw in almost every other race.

But we all know that, right? At least the Democrats know that. Senator McCain and Governor Palin represent change we cannot believe in. Suddenly, however, you put a woman on the ticket and they automatically become "mavericks" and "reformers." If you buy that, I have a NYC bridge for sale.

Next up is McCain's stance on interrogation. He believes that water boarding and torture should be outlawed, pointing to the fact that if we do it to terrorists, they'll do it us. But McCain forgets that terrorists move past torture and go straight to killing.

The ranking demonstrates how the democrats have been able to poison McCain. Nancy Reagan once advised, "Just say no," the same applies to the Arizona senator. He needs to simply turn the other cheek when pressured by the left to co-sponsor a bill or to come up with flashy new bipartisan ideas.

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