So here we are, about 50 days before the general election and we hear from the McCain campaign that Senator Obama's years as a "community organizer" does not amount to a hill of beans. The insinuation is there; it is a direct and malicious attack on Barak Obama's race.

The pupil premium is a plan to provide extra funding for schools who have more pupils who come from a deprived back ground. This seems to be an excellent idea. There is no doubt that compared to Labour many of these ideas are new and refreshing and Clegg is to be complemented. Labour is old hat and full of Yester days men like Gordon Brown. The election will be held on the 6th May and voting takes place between 7.00 am and 10.00 pm. In many areas local elections are also being held on the same day.

Next up is McCain's stance on interrogation. He believes that water boarding and torture should be outlawed, pointing to the fact that if we do it to terrorists, they'll do it us. But McCain forgets that terrorists move past torture and go straight to killing.

malaysia election I saw Dan Webster this morning on television, waving thank you signs with children from his campaign that were having a good time, and playing nearby. It was a fitting final image of a political effort that turned away, from the hostility that you saw in almost every other race.

For starters, money can't buy you success. Mitt Romney spent millions of dollars on his campaign and he still lost. I'm not saying the money wasn't spent wisely. I'm sure his advisors spent that money just where it needed to be spent. It still didn't bring him a victory. of Rubio- Marco Rubio wins Florida Senate Race: Yea, it was the perfect ending to a great senate race and a milestone in a career full of limitless potential. Marc Rubio easily won and his victory speech was just phenomenal. Let me give you the highlights.

A Sarah Palin costume consists of the "beehive" wig, glasses, and a campaign button. Depending on whether the purchaser is pro or con Palin, they might add some other touches. What are people saying when they don these costumes? Sarah Palin supporters will show her competency. A business suit, a tasteful brooch or simple necklace, and those hot high heeled shoes make a great costume for a Palin supporter. On the other hand, those wanting to spoof Palin are wearing a tiara, a beauty pageant ribbon, or they have her toting a gun for one of her legendary hunting trips. As they say, the accessories are everything.

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