There was great rivalry between Mathison and the Russian N. Strunikoff, who won the World and European titles on two occasions, but I think that Mathison was the more reliable skater and all in all the better athlete.

For starters, money can't buy you success. Mitt Romney spent millions of dollars on his campaign and he still lost. I'm not saying the money wasn't spent wisely. I'm sure his advisors spent that money just where it needed to be spent. It still didn't bring him a victory.

malaysia election At the second meeting of the N.S.A. on May 1st, 1880, again held at the Guildhall, Cambridge, Mr. Townley raised the question of the definition of an amateur which vexed topic has been under discussion ever since.

The anger continued and even though Obama said he would fire anyone making sexist comments about Sarah, Pandora's Box was already opened. had fundamentally changed and in a period of less than a month Obama went from eight points up to three points down.

For starters, money can't buy you success. Mitt Romney spent millions of dollars on his campaign and he still lost. I'm not saying the money wasn't spent wisely. I'm sure his advisors spent that money just where it needed to be spent. It still didn't bring him a victory.

Poor Jon Huntsman. A few short years ago he appeared to be the ultimate GOP general election candidate. Turns out he would be the 2008 Detroit Lions: undefeated in the preseason and endlessly defeated in the regular season. He just didn't live up to the hype. He has the background of a good candidate; he might be able to come back in upcoming years. He could do a lot of good for the GOP, but he needs to be taken seriously first.

Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and John McCain all announced their hopes for the presidency well over a year ago. That may be the reason that two of those three have since dropped out.

Hillary can be non committal about Iraqi Freedom, merely hinting she will bring the forces home, until the last month of the campaign. Then she can make it a promise; since there will still be over 100,000 American troops in Iraq by election day and the casualty numbers could easily be double what they are now.

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