In case those visiting this site for the first time might notice all the kindly references to “Thy Rod and Staff” scattered throughout the site and suspect a conspiracy, let me repeat what I have stated elsewhere: that the book has been out of print for ten years and was never accepted for a US sale, while the advertising budget for it apportioned by its British publisher was nil pounds. In fact, twelve years later, it still hasn’t recouped its advance. It was, in fact, a flop, and even if everybody on this site somehow succeeded in locating and buying a copy (be my guest) there is now no way it can ever be anything else.

As a final sad note, let me reveal that, unlike many of those who subscribe to this delightful site, the author, though happily married, does NOT enjoy a relationship in which the subject of his book plays any part. These disappointments are part of life and must be faced up to without whingeing as squarely as any other setback; but the author can derive some comfort from appreciating that the world’s greatest writer of detective fiction, Agatha Christie, herself never took part in any real murder scenario——which did not stop her describing it, many times, convincingly and immortally. I will be happy in the end to be remembered (albeit under a pen-name) for attempting to humanise a topic which even today is regarded, by a society as pig-ignorant as it is sadistic, as slightly outside the pale.

I can strongly endorse the review of the Thy Rod and Staff, by Edward Anthony. I would add that the book is written in a clear and flowing style with an authoritative air that, whilst giving lots of information, does not get in the way of enjoying the book at all.

Here in this text we can read, in well organised sections, most of what there is to know from one person about physical correction and connection in both a personal and a historical context. This way of approaching the subject allows for people to see both other people’s views on the subject and to see where they might fit into spanking, flagellation and correction and power exchange between partners.

It is a wide ranging book but possibly not for anyone who does not have a strong interest in spanking. There are sections that draw on the past and there are other ones where quotations are given from fiction; I enjoyed these especially.

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