The Y chromosome is deteriorating ; it is NOT a stable chromosome. It is doomed to failure. Men will eventually become extinct. It is unavoidable.

Abortion of male foetuses is a relatively better solution. I also heard there are some pre-conception sex selection techniques for het womyn (e.g. Shettles’ method) but I’m not sure if they work well…

Also it is a message we can sell to women (unlike the additional abortions or infanticide methods, already used against us by men) because we can create constructive arguments around it. Such as men cause war, men, along with women and children suffer in wars, if we lower men’s population to 30% there would be fewer wars.
We could also look at the Y chromosome, try to evaluate if any remaining Ys from war devastated populations correlate to low violence against women and egalitarian societies.

Females don’t have to kill baby boys. Just not nurture them. Females are forced to *birth* baby boys, but beyond that a female’s physical actions are her own.
Males will die without the constant infusion of female energy that they get from our wombs and from our lives. They are perfectly welcome to take the male infants from the hands of the midwife, and what they do with it from that point is *their* decision.

Stop having sex with men. Stop living with men. Stop talking with men. Stop talking about men. Stop organizing for and with men. Stop engaging with men politically. Stop engaging with men personally. Stop engaging with men professionally. Stop voting for males. Stop buying things made by men. Stop selling things to men. Stop having babies until you can get pregnant without a man involved. Stop doing things for men. Stop using services provided by men. Stop raising boys to become men. Stop being friends with men. Stop listening to men. Stop watching men. Stop reading men. Stop listening to, watching, and reading about what men think, say, and do. Stop disseminating what men say and do. Stop believing that continued engagement of any kind with men will bring about the end of male power.

I completely agree S4, female menstruation will continue in the absence of patriarchy. It may be a less intrusive process, but I believe it will continue. And we need to plan for that, account for it, structure our society in ways that will facilitate the natural flow.

GudEnuf: Please explain to me what you value in feminism, and which feminists you admire. These women are sociopaths. I am truly sickened by this, I wish I had never seen it. Of course, I had to read the whole thing – more compelling than one of Dogsquat’s car pileups.

I am genuinely curious about one thing – how do these women propose to survive as a species without y chromosomes? This strikes me as a sort of Jim Jones approach to patriarchy.

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