Vincent Ignatius says: August 12, 2010 at 10:30 am Whether it was a one night stand or serious relationship, the number still counts the same. The only difference is whether it detracts from a girl’s ability to bond to a man or signals her propensity to cheat.

5 is my absolute max for a serious girlfriend.

Average Joe says: August 12, 2010 at 11:43 am @Verie44

Grudge fucking doesn’t happen that often, because well it requires a grudge. And grudges are hard to generate, but it still happens. I have done it personally and felt really shitty about it afterward. From that experience, I learned that it’s generally better to be vocal than passive aggressive… and it is a passive aggressive move. You can generally achieve the same “revenge” affect with words sans the guilty feelings.

Guys don’t begrudge a woman for “too long”. That’s a myth. We might complain or look elsewhere, but we won’t go into grudge fuck mode. We begrudge a woman who sets bad sexual expectations and makes us feel used/manipulated and strung along. The recipe for a grudge fuck is as follows: A woman sends lots of mixed signals… over time… regarding her sexual availability to a guy and then doesn’t follow through. In my case, in college I had a woman make very overt sexual comments towards me that were both direct and indirect. She took her towel off in front of me, commented on my “nice” legs, and made suggestive remarks about a couple of drawings that I had made for art class. Anyway to make a long story short, I visited her (9 hour drive) during a spring break a couple of weeks later and for whatever reason she didn’t want to seal the deal. So fast forward 7 months and she calls me and we hookup in DC. I definitely made sure the experience was frustrating, yet at the same time very memorable. I didn’t call her afterward, so of course a few days later she called me. I didn’t answer. She made more calls and left a couple of voice mails, but I ignored them all. I saw her at a friend’s wedding last year and we apologized to each other non verbally with a big hug.

Here’s a few helpful suggestions to keep you from being a target.

1.Do not make a bunch of erotic remarks around a man with whom you spend a lot of one on one time… unless you are gonna go to bed with him. You can be bawdy in a group, but not during coupling.

2. If you like to wait weeks/ months/ years before having sex, then always go Dutch.

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