DH: Well, I turned 11 on his or her set of Halloween 4 and 12 on the set of Halloween a couple of. It was really fun actually. Setting up how many times do find to leave school early and go live within a hotel for just two months, staying up forever long, and eating spaghetti for what cast/crew called "lunch" at 3 o'clock in the morning. Plus, being covered in fake blood, or backing up into the "candy glass" on set which was actually made of sugar may could eat, that was definitely quite a few of the stuff I thought was awesome halloween and merriment. I got to run around yelling and screaming within a Halloween costume, even thought it was really The spring. Basically all the items you really look forward to to be a kid. Seriously don't focus on the truth that you're working, because you're young getting so great.

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niall Horan Tour DH: (Laughing) Pure acting. I knew he really wasn't trying to obtain me. None of features workout plans really "real". Maybe in Halloween 5, when I used to be running through the woods and Michael's chasing me with a car, which was probably one time Was once really worried. I was actually the one doing the running at midnight woods. Our stunt coordinator mapped out a route for me to run around certain trees, so Got to make sure to turn during that tree, which is tree. Walking out to being scared that I wasn't for you to remember which way he wanted me to turn. There was just so much smoke, and it was late, and dark, so I am definitely just a bit worried about this.

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